» A salute to Jarrod Radnich
May 11 - 暑期課程-現正招生 學樂器送樂器

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Jan 21 - ??新春優惠精選 :??

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Jan 22 - 新春鋼琴優惠 

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Sep 8 - 2017全港飛躍音符音樂大賽 -現已接受報名

  2017全港飛躍音符音樂大賽 -現已接受報名 詳情登入:http://lbsm.com/2017competition/   為了弘揚音樂藝術文化,讓不同地區的演出者互相 [全文...]

Jun 20 - SUMMER SALE 暑期鋼琴大減

暑假鋼琴SUMMER SALE 全場$4800起 贈品 : 琴椅乙張、全新防潮暖管、全新琴套、專業上門調音1次、免費搬運 歡迎預約試琴/查詢:2668 8653/5118 1800 查詢更多優惠 [全文...]

VMEB Certified Music Learning Center Liebestraum youtube channel

A salute to Jarrod Radnich

A salute to Jarrod Radnich – Mastermind Studios. Jarrod Radnich is the composer of the famous movie song “Priates of the Carribean”. Today, we salute him by playing his song again in our studio. Thanks for his incredible and inspiring performance in youtube!

P.S. If you can play this song as well, please record that and let us know. We would like to gather all the performance from Hong Kong and will send to Jarrod.



